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Lexus IS 250 2006-2011
This is a short slide
of a 2009 Lexus IS 250 without rain sensor but with
a third visor frit windshield replacement. This IS 240
is very similar to replacements on a Lexus IS 350 2006-2001
and a IS-F 2008-2001 the windshield may differ from
attachments on the glass. Before removing the cowl and
wipers the engine covers must be removed to have access
to the cowl clips. All this takes time along with removing
the A-pillar moldings on both sides. The A-pillar moldings
are made out of plastic and typically break when removed
due to Thermal
Degradation (link opens in new tab) from the heat.
Sometime the blue plastic clips that hold the A-pillar
molding in place on the body will need replacing too.
In this slide show we replaced the A-pillar Molding
with new ones purchased from the dealer.
Read more below show.
We used a paint protector cold
knife blade and blue tape to protect the outer walls
from being scratch during removal. Once removed the
pinchweld was cleaned from dirt and the old seal trimmed
down to 1-2 mm thin. Next we cleaned the area again
and primed the pinchweld to help prevent future rust
from forming. While the primer is drying the windshield
is prep for installation by cleaning, transfer all sticker
and installing two suction for a two person installation.
The sealant used on this installation was Adco Titan
Pro 1 with a 1 hour safe drive-away time. This installation
took 3 to 4 hours to complete.
Hope you enjoyed this slide show and please fell free
to see our other slide shows on this site. If you have
any question please call or E-mail us.